Sunday, December 16, 2007

You Ask, I Tell

Once a month, Ankur Gupta will answer, some of the more interesting queries from readers

I must confess that I am simply overcome by a sense of gratitude, at the multiplicity of responses which OPEN MIND has evoked amongst readers, all over the world. 

So far, I have responded to every email query sent to individually and will continue to do so. However I think other readers will find some of these queries interesting and plan to discuss them in this column, once a month. Here goes.

Kavindra Sharma writes : I wonder why, on some days, for no apparent reason, we seem to be in better control over our thoughts, while on other days, we seem to be in auto-pilot mode while doing some routine things like walking on a treadmill or ironing clothes. Then on some days, there is an overwhelming background thought (largely emotional) which we can call a ‘mood’ that seems to dominate the rest of our thoughts. How does all this map to your theory of chemical shower associated with each thought?”

Ankur Gupta : Moods emanate from both feelings and emotions, a subject too wide for me to cover in a single column. Suffice to say that your being aware of such happenings is itself a good beginning. Biorhythm (which combines an individual’s cyclical aspects of the physical, intellectual, emotional and intuitive elements) also helps in utilizing this self-awareness further.

Ravindra, a 30 year old Engineer observes : I have a fear complex - whenever I attend any interviews I am convinced I will fail. I cannot overcome the feeling and my confidence is also low. What do u want me to do?

PS: What you said in your first column is much like what I read that in Robin Sharma’s The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. 

In your first column you said that you would tell us about methods for improving memory, focus and meditation. 

Ankur Gupta : I am intrigued by your question “What do you want me to do?” That question has to be answered only by you, since it concerns your life. Once you get a sense of what is it in life you wish to do, your focus will become clearer and your fear complex will dissipate.

What I can advise you is to take up one ambition at a time rather than multiple-ambitions. I have talked about providing maximum energy for each thought; do not spread the butter too thin.

There are so many things in life we keep reading about and yet do not internalise or adopt them.  

Keep reading OPEN MIND and you will get your answers though Robin Sharma and several others have already answered them earlier in some form or the other. 

Shyam Anand asks :
Your article talks about 60,000 thoughts!!! Does this number increase or decrease with age ? I used to remember things to be done on a day to day basis, but these days I forget them, not because I am preoccupied but because I simply forget.

Ankur Gupta : Just like any old house frequently gets cluttered with various objects, furniture, acquisitions, people etc. age would certainly have something to do with acquiring a multiplicity of thoughts. However - and I wish to emphasize this - they are completely dependent on the individual who has these thoughts. In your case you are mixing up thoughts with memory, which though intertwined are two different things. If you reduce the clutter of thoughts, in all probability your memory will self-improve. Also there is the issue of stress. if you are caught in a tension-ridden domestic situation or work, your focus will literally get smogged out, with poor visibility and poor retention in the flurry of thoughts occupying your mind. So make a list of to-do items and it will simplify life for you :-) 

Note : If you live abroad or can’t get a copy of Hindustan Times, subscribe to (free of cost) and access all OPEN MIND articles. I mention this in response to several readers, who came in late, and want to read the earlier columns.

Thought for the Week
“You could not step twice into the same river;
for other waters are ever flowing on to you.

First published in Gray Matter - The Hindustan Times

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